First Book of 2024

 Dear Gentle Readers...

Holy cow, did I pick a couple of great books to start out the year with. 

The first one was The Lonely Hearts Book Club by Lucy Gilmore, it was amazing. I swear, it was so heartwarming, and had me laughing, crying, and cheering the characters on the entire time. I have a book-stagram that I post reviews to, and I took a little screenshot of it to add here. Think a girl that needs to gain some confidence, plus a cranky old man, and several other random people, and boom, a little book club that shows each of them how special they truly are. 

The second book I read was Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar (Dillard). Her upbringing was so different and harsh, I grew up watching the Duggar show. I had no idea that behind the scenes there was so much angst and hurt. I always thought as I grew older, that religion or not, women are not to be made less. I always felt that they were held back because of them being women. (My opinion, not a dig at their religion). Anyways, the book was excellent. I cried throughout. My heart goes out to her and her siblings. 

Of course, I have set my goal this year to 100 books. I need a goal, but I am also trying to work a bit more to save some money, so 100 is a good number. I read really fast, so I finish a book in a couple days usually. That is how I end up getting so many read. I will say that the 138 books didn't count the other series books that I re-read when I was feeling down or sad. I reach for the same books over and over throughout the year. They are my comfort books. Like a comfort show, the books bring me happiness due to their familiarity. I am sure you know what I mean. 

Happy Reading!


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